Adiós, Hemingway

Sinopsis del libro

libro Adiós, Hemingway

In the memory of Mario Conde, the memory of his visit to Cojimar still remains with his grandfather. That afternoon in 1960, in the small fishing village, the boy had the opportunity to see Hemingway himself and, moved by a strange fascination, dared to greet him. Forty years later, abandoned his position as lieutenant investigator in the Havana police and dedicated to selling second-hand books, Mario Conde is forced to return to Finca Vigia, the Hemingway house museum on the outskirts of Havana, to To face a strange case: in the garden of the property have been discovered the remains of a man who, according to the autopsy, died forty years ago with two shots in the chest. Next to the corpse will also appear an FBI plaque.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 190

Autor: Leonardo Padura

Tamaño: 1.75 - 2.47 MB

Descargas: 688

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