Avatares En El Principio De Los Tiempos

Sinopsis del libro

libro Avatares En El Principio De Los Tiempos

In a remote and primordial time, a vast continent was inhabited by a proud and fierce nature: giant plants, animals, and breeds. Human ancestors populated distinct geographical areas and slowly began to awaken the complex evolutionary experience. Out of all the races, one is more advanced than the rest: the Urimios. These giants with blue fur, admirable workers and soldiers who were almost invincible were protected by an even more advanced race: the Etalinos. But evil also has a visible face. The Beings of the Old Order subjected its extensions to all other people, manipulating them to come to an agreement with their dark designs. A revolution explodes within the village of Urimios. A split suddenly occurs, the blue giants give up their power to Etalina. The dark masters see the opportunity to subject the Urimios and occupy the capital of the Masters of Light, knowing that it guarded the secrets of the highest protest. At the turn of the evolutionary spiral, the Good and the Bad face one another once again in a convulsive climb that pulls them in opposite directions, each time making their lives increasingly powerful. Again, a cosmic conflict is recreated whose origin is lost in the night of the times. Un tiempo remoto y primordial, un vastísimo continente habitado por una naturaleza soberbia y feroz: plantas gigantes, animales gigantes, y… razas gigantes. Los antepasados de la humanidad pueblan las distintas geografías y comienzan, lentamente, a despertar a una experiencia evolutiva compleja. De todas las razas, una es más adelantada que las demás: los urimios. Colosos de pelaje azulado, obreros admirables y guerreros casi invencibles tutelados por una raza más adelantada aún: los etalinos. Pero el Mal también tiene rostro visible. Los Seres del Antiguo Orden y Sus prolongaciones someten a todos los pueblos restantes, manipulándonos en consonancia con sus oscuros designios. En el seno del pueblo urimio estalla una revolución. Sobreviene el cisma, los…

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 296

Autor: Mat Ivansky

Tamaño: 1.71 - 2.30 MB

Descargas: 1924

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