Cada Dia Un Nuevo Comienzo (each Day A New Beginning)

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libro Cada Dia Un Nuevo Comienzo (each Day A New Beginning)

Each day holds its promise, and lifes journey begins anew. Let this book be your companion, lightening your burdens and heightening your joys with its daily offering of the gentle warmth and wise counsel of women traveling the same long winding road.These meditations, one for each day of the year, speak to the common experience, shared struggles, and unique strengths of a woman, especially those seeking support and spiritual growth in recovery. Each days message begins with a quotation–from such exceptional women as Agatha Christie, Annie Dillard, Beverly Sils, Helen Keller, Maria Montesori, Adrienne Rich, Katherine Hepurne, Amelia Earhart, and many more– and ends with an affirmation, marshaling the feminine courage and spirit, wisdom and wit that make every day count.

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Número de páginas: 400

Autor: Karen Casey

Tamaño: 1.97 - 2.45 MB

Descargas: 1725

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