Sinopsis del libro
Misericordia International was founded by Elaine C. Block (Professor of the City University of New York) as an association dedicated to the study of choir stalls and their relation to other artistic manifestations during the Middle Ages, and the dissemination of research. From its beginnings, Misericordia International has promoted a bi-annual international conference as a place for scientific exchange among members of the research community interested in this topic (and in Medieval iconography in general) from a multidisciplinary approach. The most recent conference was a collaboration between the Universities of Cantabria, Oviedo and Leon in Spain. Titled Choir Stalls in Architecture and Architecture in Choir Stalls, it highlighted the importance that choir stalls had in the conceptualisation of space within cathedrals and how sculptors and carvers tested formal, stylistic and constructive motifs, models and solutions that were later reflected in architectural works. This book brings together the papers presented at this conference, and is divided into four thematic parts, namely Space, liturgy and architectural conception, Symbolism and iconography, Study of outstanding examples, and Destructions, interventions and restorations.
Ficha del Libro
Número de páginas: 515
Autor: Fernando Villasenor Sebastian M Dolores Teijeira Pablos Welleda Muller
Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.44 MB
Descargas: 1807
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