Church, Ecumenism, And Politics

Sinopsis del libro

libro Church, Ecumenism, And Politics

This work features the most discussed topics of the life of the Church, treated with unique frankness and depth by the Churchs spiritual and theological leader. In this collection of essays, theologian Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, tackles three major issues in the Church todaythe nature of the Church, the pursuit of Christian unity, and the relationship of Christianity to the secular/political power. The first part of the book explores Vatican IIs teaching on the Church, what it means to call the Church the People of God, the role of the Pope, and the Synod of Bishops. In part two, Ratzinger frankly assesses the ecumenical movementits achievements, problems, and principles for authentic progress toward Christian unity. In the third part of the work, Ratzinger discusses both fundamental questions and particular issues concerning the Church, the state and human fulfillment in the Age to come. What does the Bible say about faith and politics? How should the Church work in pluralistics societies? What are the problems with Liberation Theology? How should we understand freedom in the Church and in society? Beneath a penetrating analysis on these important topics by this brilliant teacher and writer, both concise and also surprising, is revealed the passion of a great spiritual leader. The result is an exciting and stimulating work, which can be provoking, but never boring.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 258

Autor: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Pope Benedict Xvi

Tamaño: 1.88 - 2.42 MB

Descargas: 543

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