Sinopsis del libro
The proceedings of COPE-91 represent the continuing effort of both the scientific and industrial community to make known what is new in research and development in the increasingly important interdisciplinary field of computers in chemical engineering. The symposium focussed on the following topics: bull, Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Engineering bull, Computer Integrated Process Engineering bull, Reliability and Risk Assessment bull, Process Design under Uncertainty bull, Education and Training in Computer Applications The theoretical and practical aspects of the use of computers in chemical engineering covered in this book should find wide use in libraries and research facilities, and should have a direct impact in the chemical industry, particularly in production automation, utility networks and computer integrated process engineering.
Ficha del Libro
Número de páginas: 450
Autor: A Espuna L Puigjaner
Tamaño: 1.77 - 2.28 MB
Descargas: 1185
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