Crecimiento Y Cambio (growth And Change)

Sinopsis del libro

libro Crecimiento Y Cambio (growth And Change)

Follow along and see how different kinds of baby animals grow and change! All animals start as babies. Even though they all look very different, they all have the same basic needs to grow up. Learn about baby penguins, kittens, blue whales, pandas, frogs, snakes, and more! The colorful images of adorable baby animals and easy-to-read text in this science reader will keep students engaged from cover to cover. This reader also includes instructions for an engaging science activity and practice problems to further students understanding. A helpful glossary and index are also included for additional support.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 24

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Tamaño: 1.91 - 2.45 MB

Descargas: 488

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