Dimelo Tu!

Sinopsis del libro

libro Dimelo Tu!

This combination workbook and lab manual provides students with the additional reading, writing, and listening comprehension practice necessary to help them attain their competency goals. New video activities are included for further development and practice of listening skills. For each video segment there are a series of accompanying activities. First, the Antes de ver el video section prepares students through the completion of pre-viewing activities that activate background knowledge and allow students to review and apply the viewing and listening strategies they have learned in the Comprendes lo que se dice? sections of the textbook. Second, the Al ver el video section assesses students comprehension of the video segment and provides them with additional practice of linguistic structures and vocabulary presented in the textbook. Finally, the Despus de ver el video section includes form-focused communicative activities that motivate the students to use their comprehension of the video segment as a springboard for additional open-ended, pair or group activities.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 352

Autor: Blommers Francisco Rodriguez Nogales Samaniego

Tamaño: 1.73 - 2.19 MB

Descargas: 1015

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