Duck And Sally Inside

Sinopsis del libro

libro Duck And Sally Inside

Jeremy Reed continues to invent new subject matter for British poetry, celebrating as he does aspects of pop culture, underground icons, the fast energies of big city life and taking into his remit everything from Martian probes to Morrissey in LA. Described by J. G. Ballard as the most gifted poet working today and by Edmund White as the English Rimbaud, Reed is unrivalled in the creation of an imagery that totally dazzles. Duck and Sally Inside, which owes its title to a Lou Reed song, is fresh confirmation of the power and originality of Reeds poetry.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 159

Autor: Jeremy Reed

Tamaño: 1.64 - 2.45 MB

Descargas: 1686

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