English Today Magazine

Sinopsis del libro

libro English Today Magazine

Hello dear reader! We are delighted to welcome you back after the summer break, with our batteries recharged, and full of ideas to help you get your English in shape. All the regular sections are here, from Business English where we look at the benefits of delegation to English on the Street which looks at some colloquial English words and expressions. And it is never too soon to start thinking about making a trip, especially when the destination is as beautiful and as fascinating as Soria. In Travel, we have all the tips you need to make it a weekend trip to remember. They are back! The boys from Keane have been on a -year hiatus. Will their fans have remained faithful? We will know this month when their fifth studio album, Cause and Effect is released. In Music & Lyrics, we follow their story from past to present. With elements from countries such as Spain, Japan, Italy and Germany, Peruvian cuisine is all the rage . In Food & Drink you can follow 3 classic recipes to enjoy a taste of Peru at home. Also, take time to review the most useful cooking verbs which we share with you every month. Here in Spain, we need no excuse for a party and there are some great traditional and modern activities to enjoy this month in La Mercè. We tell you all you need to know in Last Stop.Our merry band of fans keeps getting bigger at www.facebook. com/EnglishToday so if you haven’t already, follow us and don’t miss out on our weekly posts, previewing new contents and also reaching back into the archives. See you next month!

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Número de páginas: 44

Autor: Aa Vv

Tamaño: 1.81 - 2.29 MB

Descargas: 1629

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