Sinopsis del libro
This translated edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition is translated and published in Spanish. It is a delightful soothing bedtime story to relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the artwork in this book will entertain young readers as they participate in the nighttime ritual of saying goodnight to all of their beloved treasures. Enjoy this easy-to-read bedtime story by author Karen Jean Matsko Hood. Each one of the pages is thoughtfully illustrated with warmth and love. Your children and grandchildren will ask you to read this book to them again and again. This book is a must for all families to have in their library. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Translated Spanish Edition makes a great gift for that special friend or child to enjoy.
Ficha del Libro
Autor: Karen Jean Matsko Hood
Tamaño: 1.52 - 2.48 MB
Descargas: 1719
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