Handbook Of Spanish Business Law

Sinopsis del libro

libro Handbook Of Spanish Business Law

The Handbook of Spanish Business Law has been written for hundreds of students who benefit from the increasinginternationalization of Spanish universities. Business Law is taught in English in a wide variety of degrees (among others, Law, Economics, Business Administration and Tourism). In addition, it is worth noting that not only foreign students (many of them with the support of the Erasmus Program) choose the course in English, but also hundreds of students whose mother tongue is Spanish. The reader has a handbook that provides a complete and updated view of Spanish Business Law. Furthermore, it should be a helpful instrument for foreign researchers, scholars, lawyers and practitioners seeking an introduction to the realm of the Spanish Business Law.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 312

Autor: Ana Felicitas Munoz Perez Antonio Serrano Acitores Javier Martinez Rosado

Tamaño: 1.81 - 2.38 MB

Descargas: 1214

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