La Cordillera Oriental Colombiana, Transecto Sumapaz

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libro La Cordillera Oriental Colombiana, Transecto Sumapaz

The publication of this volume (volume 7) concludes the publication of the study of the transects of Buritaca (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Parque los Nevados (Central Cordillera), Tatamá (Western Cordillera) and Sumapaz (Eastern Cordillera) in the Colombian Andes. The latter three studies represent a West-East transect through the Colombian Andes, from the Pacific to the Llanos Orientales (Eastern plains) at an approximate latitude of 4° North. With this extensive project the authors aim to provide an integral view of the natural environment of one of the most biologically diverse, and moreover, one of the most beautiful regions of the world, from the tropical lowlands to the snowline.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 1009

Autor: A M Cleef Orlando Rangel Ch Thomas Van Der Hammen

Tamaño: 1.87 - 2.11 MB

Descargas: 1634

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