La Menopausia

Sinopsis del libro

libro La Menopausia

Over a decade ago, Dr. John Lee first published his startling conclusions about conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT): synthetic hormones dont work as predicted and, worse, they pose a health threat to women. His findings touched off a storm of controversy. But years later, research has proved him right. Now millions of women concerned about aging must decide whether or not to undergo synthetic hormone replacement therapy-and suffer its side effects and increased health risks. Hundreds of thousands of women have listened to Dr. Lees potentially lifesaving advice and followed his groundbreaking, natural hormone program- experiencing amazing results. Newly revised and updated, this revolutionary book has the latest research, and Dr. Lees effective plan for restoring balance using bioidentical hormones, including natural progesterone. Discover the benefits of his breakthrough program: . Reduce or eliminate premenopausal and menopausal symptoms . Help eliminate hormone-related problems such as osteoporosis, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, weight gain, and fibrocystic breasts . Reduce middle age weight gain . Help restore sex drive . Protect against breast cancer . Maintain mental acuity . Help stop and reverse osteoporosis . Restore energy and vibrancy…slow the signs of aging. A must-read for every woman over forty who wants to avoid the dangers of synthetic hormone replacement therapy. -Dr. Earl Mindell, author of The Vitamin Bible

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 495

Autor: Silvia Carnevali

Tamaño: 1.55 - 2.18 MB

Descargas: 722

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