Las Crónicas De Jackson Heights (jackson Heights Chronicles)

Sinopsis del libro

libro Las Crónicas De Jackson Heights (jackson Heights Chronicles)

From his small travel agency tucked away in an area of New York City known as Little Colombia, the Godfather of Jackson Heights does far more than make travel arrangements. Fernando Padrón is a social service fixer to many of the tens of thousands of Latino immigrants living in his neighborhood. Tax accountant, job hunter, fund-raiser, and missing persons detective are just some of his roles. Fernando also earned the title of Undertaker for the Mules after helping families repatriate the remains of the dozens who die every year smuggling drugs into New York when drug-filled capsules in their stomachs explode. The riveting experiences shared in this collection of connected stories are based on the authors life. In scenes at once fascinating, inspiring, and heartbreaking, Orlando Tobón reveals not only what it means to be an immigrant, but also what it means to be an American.

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Autor: Orlando Tobon

Tamaño: 1.52 - 2.19 MB

Descargas: 1838

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