Mi Tienda En El Centro Comercial (my Store In The Mall) (spanish Version)

Sinopsis del libro

libro Mi Tienda En El Centro Comercial (my Store In The Mall) (spanish Version)

Percentages, decimals, and equivalent fractions are all very helpful tools in running a business – even a store in the mall! This informative Spanish-translated title introduces readers to percentages, teaching them the basics of the concept of percentage and how to calculate them. Percentages can also be written as decimals or fractions! Children will learn how to use all three and convert them back and forth through helpful mathematical charts, engaging practice problems, STEM themes, an accessible glossary, and easy-to-read text!

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 32

Autor: Dawn Mcmillan

Tamaño: 1.85 - 2.12 MB

Descargas: 801

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