Nice To Meet You

Sinopsis del libro

libro Nice To Meet You

Description: Nice to Meet You is a book of family photographs, except that sometimes, the people in them arent family. Photographer Txema Salvans seeks to explain, through peoples interaction, the quotidian in a culture and a way of being and living that is Mediterranean –direct, close, sincere. Nice to Meet You also references a form of work in which Salvans does not impose his presence, but is accepted by the system or the personages he wants to photograph. A brief text by journalist Guillem Martinez preceeds each group of rich black and white images, and provides a guide to understanding the following scene–through them readers are invited to delve into the family logic of families that have, perhaps, never happened.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 380

Autor: Guillem Martinez Txema Salvans

Tamaño: 1.74 - 2.19 MB

Descargas: 1015

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