Sinopsis del libro
Palenque as Never Seen Before tells how the Mayan city of Palenque was discovered in Chiapas, Mexico, and looks at the treasures hidden in its jungle and its history and magnificence. It took three years of devoted work with some of the most prestigious international archaeologists, engineers, artists, and architects specializing in virtual reality, to create the computer-based 3-D reconstruction of the Mayan city used in this book. It is the first-ever photographic quality reconstruction of the Mayan site of Palenque with the most spectacular perspective of how alive the Mayan city was in its splendor more than one thousand years ago. What the reader will witness in this book cannot be found anywhere else. Palenque as Never Seen Before is written in both English and Spanish and contains 216 full-color pages.
Ficha del Libro
Número de páginas: 207
Autor: Edwin Barnhart Mayo Moller
Tamaño: 1.87 - 2.31 MB
Descargas: 1867
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