Pintura Chilena

Sinopsis del libro

libro Pintura Chilena

In celebration of the 80 anniversary of the National Bank of Chile, the institution published a book that presents a significant part of the painting collection the bank has been acumulating since its creation in 1925. The collection comprises mainly works of the 19th and 20th centuries, coming to a halt in the 1940s, coeval with the Generation of the 40s,represented by the works of Carlos Pedraza, Fernando Morales Jordn who together with others continued the views and techniques of the French impressionists painters. The collection only timidly insinuates the following years with some names such as: Nemesio Antúnez, Roser Bru, Gracia Barrios, Patricia Israel or Mario Toral –Provided by vendor.

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Número de páginas: 254

Autor: Otros

Tamaño: 1.52 - 2.12 MB

Descargas: 827

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