¿por Qué Celebramos El Día De La Raza? (why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day?)

Sinopsis del libro

libro ¿por Qué Celebramos El Día De La Raza? (why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day?)

Who was Christopher Columbus, and why do we honor his achievements today? Columbus accidental discovery of the Americas is what many mark as the beginning of the Age of Exploration. From the moment the Old World met the New World, the destiny of the Americas would be forever changed. Readers will get the chance to understand who Christopher Columbus was and why his discovery was so important. Had Columbus and his men never arrived in the Americas, the country we live in would be an entirely different place. Colorful photographs and a picture glossary make this book accessible and fun for young learners.

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Número de páginas: 24

Autor: Darnell Petersen

Tamaño: 1.96 - 2.22 MB

Descargas: 740

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