¿por Qué Celebramos El Día De Los Caídos? (why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?)

Sinopsis del libro

libro ¿por Qué Celebramos El Día De Los Caídos? (why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?)

Memorial Day is an important and special holiday, but some people forget why we celebrate it. On the last Monday of May each year, people around the country gather and remember the men and women whove died while serving in the U.S. military. This educational book encourages readers to reflect on the sacrifices military personnel make to protect our country. This book also touches upon the more lighthearted side of the holiday and the different types of celebrations that people have each year. Featuring full-color photographs and accessible text, this book is sure to engage beginning readers.

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Número de páginas: 24

Autor: Kirsten Lake

Tamaño: 1.78 - 2.34 MB

Descargas: 2360

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