Sinopsis del libro
Spanish translation of Michelle Phillips Q&A study guides. First published in 1994, these study guides have helped thousands of massage therapists pass their licensing and certification exams with a simple, direct approach involving a comprehensive list of multiple choice questions and answers in an easy-to-use format. This new, single volume study guide from Massage Review Publications is a major update and expansion with hundreds of new questions. Completely reorganized, it contains nearly 3000 questions with answers. The reorganization focuses directly on the MBLEx exam, with content chapters matching the outline provided by the FSMTB. This study guide will take you from Anatomy & Physiology and Kinesiology right through to Guidelines for Professional Practice in the same order as those subjects appear on the MBLEx content outline. Not designed to be a textbook, or a review with extensive commentary and explanations, this book assumes that you have had exposure to the material in school and want to do a comprehensive review of the subject matter areas and properly prepare yourself to pass the exam. It will provide you with a targeted, well-organized series of practice exams containing multiple choice questions similar to those found on your actual exam. The book is specifically designed to assist you in determining your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area so that you can concentrate your study in the areas most needed. Those taking either of the NCBTMB exams will also find this study guide invaluable and we have retained our chapter on Eastern Bodywork for that reason. Unlike other reviews, the answers are found on the same page as the questions so you do not have to flip to the back of the book or go online to find the correct answers. This instant feedback facilitates learning and retention of what has been learned, as well as saving time and frustration. Studying in this manner will make you increasingly comfortable with the examination format and…
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Número de páginas: 380
Autor: Michelle Phillips
Tamaño: 1.89 - 2.24 MB
Descargas: 1901
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