Pueblos Indgenas Del Sureste / Native Peoples Of The Southeast

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libro Pueblos Indgenas Del Sureste / Native Peoples Of The Southeast

The American Southeast stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, including the states of Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama as well as parts of Virginia and Maryland. But before that region was divided into states, native groups lived there. From how they found food to what their spiritual beliefs were, the books main content presents the traditional lifestyles of the Seminole, Choctaw, and Creek peoples, and the other groups that lived in the southeast. Readers learn even more from fun fact boxes and the historical images and full-color photographs that show what native peoples lives were like, both before and after European colonization.

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Número de páginas: 32

Autor: Amy Hayes

Tamaño: 1.78 - 2.25 MB

Descargas: 1333

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