Spanish Is It Love Or Is It Addiction

Sinopsis del libro

libro Spanish Is It Love Or Is It Addiction

They say theres a thin line between love and hate, theres also a thin line between love and addiction. Obsessive behavior, distrustfulness, and the need to control anothers life and thoughts are the warning signs. And they can sneak into even the healthiest relationships. This best-selling guide to building healthy relationships outlines a seven-step plan for breaking free of the patterns that prevent us from experiencing real, fulfilling love. Drawing from her own experience and her many years of work as a psychotherapist, Schaeffer offers expert advice and fresh new perspectives on intimacy in this straightforward, practical guide to making relationships work. Acknowledging that all relationships harbor elements of dependency, Schaeffer explores the essential elements of love addiction: how to identify it, how and why people fall into it, and, most important, how to get out of it. Step by step, Schaeffer shows how to reach the root of the problem by tracing unconscious attempts to gain control over our own lives. With more than 175,000 copies of the first edition in print, Brenda Schaeffer is also the author of Loving Me, Loving You.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 208

Autor: Brenda Schaeffer

Tamaño: 1.62 - 2.40 MB

Descargas: 759

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