Teach Me… Spanish Teaching Guide

Sinopsis del libro

libro Teach Me... Spanish Teaching Guide

Ages 2 to 12 years. Since 1985, the Teach Me… series has been embraced by teachers, parents and children alike because of its innovative, inviting and fun approach to foreign language learning. Knowing that music is a universal means of communication, the award-winning Teach Me… books use familiar songs to teach children the fundamentals of foreign language vocabulary, the alphabet, numbers and colours, days of the week and much more. Available in 10 languages, this series offers the ideal method for teaching children a foreign language. Its a fun, easy and engaging style of educating children through music!

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 28

Autor: Judy Mahoney Teach Me Tapes

Tamaño: 1.94 - 2.10 MB

Descargas: 710

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