The Art Song In Latin America

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libro The Art Song In Latin America

Wilsons The Art Song in Latin America-Selected Works by 20th Century Composers includes art songs by 20th-century Latin Americans, including important composers such as Carlos Guastavino (Argentina), Carlos Chávez (Mexico) and Juan Orrego-Salas (Chile). The first anthology of its kind published in the United States, it includes translations, textual transcriptions of the Spanish using International Phonetic Alphabet, and historical and biographical entries for each song. A singer, musicologist, and voice teacher with extensive experience teaching in Latin America as a Fulbright Scholar, Kathleen Wilson understands the need for a practical and accessible source of vocal literature by Latin American composers. As a vocal pedagogue, Wilson has been careful to choose songs that are technically appropriate for young singers and sophisticated enough musically for professionals.

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Número de páginas: 147

Autor: Katherine K Preston

Tamaño: 1.99 - 2.38 MB

Descargas: 2105

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