Time For Kids® Practicing For Staar Success: Writing: Grade 4

Sinopsis del libro

libro Time For Kids® Practicing For Staar Success: Writing: Grade 4

Develop students writing skills and prepare them for the Grade 4 STAAR Writing test with this essential resource for Texas teachers. This e-book mirrors the format of the STAAR test, addresses ELAR TEKS standards, and provides practice for the two sections of the STAAR Writing assessment: composition, and editing and revising. With questions that have been carefully crafted to guide English language learners as they approach the reading passages and share their understanding, the fifteen passages include two revising questions and four editing questions. With extensive practice exercises, students will strengthen their writing skills and become comfortable taking practice tests, thus reducing their test-taking anxiety. This must-have classroom resource includes correlations to the assessed standards.

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Número de páginas: 120

Autor: Shell Educational Publishing

Tamaño: 1.61 - 2.25 MB

Descargas: 2080

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