Todo Pasa Y Esto Tambin Pasar

Sinopsis del libro

libro Todo Pasa Y Esto Tambin Pasar

Life is a constant flow, it comes and goes, people, things, situations, arrive to provide us with all kinds of experiences. Some stay forever, but other inevitably leave and push us to something that somehow all of us have lived: loss. The experience of being left without something, or somebody, the painful reality of losing a friend, a relative, a dearest pet, our health, a loved one, a school, a very valuable object, economic stability, a part of yourself. The loss leads us to contact with all type of strong feelings which, if we dont know how to handle, can leave a deep mark that contaminates our life beyond what we can possibly imagine. We will speak of them, of how to overcome them, and how to recover the happiness, the trust and our own identity without that precious something that we have lost. We will know how some people have managed to move on, and encourage you to trust in that you will survive, to believe that everything passes away after all, and that although it may be difficult for you to understand it, everything is for the better, that calm do comes after the storm and that when something leaves your life something better always comes along. La vida es un constante flujo, viene y va, las personas, las cosas, las situaciones, llegan para proporcionarnos toda clase de experiencias. Algunas se quedan para siempre, pero otras se van inevitablemente y nos empujan a eso que de alguna manera todos hemos vivido: la prdida. Esa vivencia de quedarte sin algo, o alguien, la dolorosa realidad de perder un amigo, un familiar, una queridsima mascota, la salud, la pareja, una escuela, un objeto muy preciado. Hablaremos de cmo superarlos, de cmo andar el camino del duelo que necesariamente acompaa a la prdida y recuperar la alegra y sin eso tan apreciado que perdimos. Conoceremos cmo han hecho algunos para salir adelante. En los ltimos captulos encontrars algunas alternativas concretas y tiles que te ayudarn a cerrar tu proceso de duelo.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 112

Autor: Martha Alicia Chavez

Tamaño: 1.57 - 2.30 MB

Descargas: 1192

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