Tu Cuerpo De La Cabeza A Los Pies

Sinopsis del libro

libro Tu Cuerpo De La Cabeza A Los Pies

Every mom and dad quickly discovers that very young kids are naturally curious about their bodies. Heres a cheerfully illustrated book that parents and kids can look at and read together. Its words and pictures present the human body in a way that will make sense to toddlers. They start by finding out that they began life inside their moms belly. Next, they discover their legs, arms, and hands, for walking, running, and picking things up. Then they learn about their eyes for seeing light and color, their tongue for tasting the food they eat, their nose for smelling — and even for sneezing — and their skin and its sense of touch. Finally, they discover how the food they eat first goes to their stomachs, then nourishes their entire body. This attractive picture book is available in both English and Spanish editions.

Ficha del Libro

Autor: Nuria Roca

Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.20 MB

Descargas: 1429

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