Vivir A Colores

Sinopsis del libro

libro Vivir A Colores

Life in Full color is a collection of moments and personal experiences that invite the reader to pause and reflect on each lesson hidden behind the stories. Writing in a pleasant style, sparkling and full of hope and joy, the author opens her heart and shares highlights of her days to encourage us to take the reins of our lives, to grow and become better persons, human beings capable of leaving an indelible mark in our journey through this world. To do so, she reviews her personal experiences as a mother, wife, working professional, daughter, sister, woman and human being, discovering in each and every one a marvelous fount of wisdom, reminding us at each and every moment of the simplicity of life and the fact that we are here to fully enjoy everything that life has to offer. In her first book, Tuti Furlan offers useful and practical tools for helping us, both men and women, to progress in the daily process of transformation, at the same time she gives a message of hope, love and peace: Stop living in black and white and dare to live in full color.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 224

Autor: Tuti Furlan

Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.35 MB

Descargas: 2126

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