Vivir Y Amar Despues De Una Traicion

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libro Vivir Y Amar Despues De Una Traicion

Spanish description: Si has dejado recientemente una relación en la que te sentiste traicionado por tu pareja –o si deseas reparar una experiencia dolorosa– puede parecerte imposible ver el mundo sin la sombra de la traición. Como resultado, quizá tengas dificultades para crear significado en tu vida, encontrar la fuerza para perdonar, o construir nuevas relaciones amorosas. Estas páginas te ayudarán a encontrar el mejor rumbo para sanar, perdonar y perdonarte y, sobre todo, ser feliz. English description: Betrayal has many faces, including anger, abuse, deceit, and infidelity. These feel like betrayal because they violate the implicit promise of emotional bonds, that your loved one will care about your wellbeing and never intentionally hurt you. If youve recently left a relationship where you felt betrayed by your partner–or if you want to repair one–it can seem impossible to view the world without the shadow of past betrayal hovering over you. As a result, you may struggle to create meaning in your life, find the strength to forgive, or build new, loving relationships. In Living and Loving after Betrayal, therapist and relationship expert Steven Stosny offers effective tools for healing, based on his highly successful CompassionPower program. He founded the CompassionPower agency on the belief that we are more powerful when compassionate than when angry or aggressive, and that true strength comes from relating compassionately to others and remaining true to your deeper values. In this book, you’ll learn practical strategies for overcoming betrayal-induced trauma and the chronic resentment and depression that result, using this innovative compassion-empowerment approach. Most books on betrayal only focus on the obvious issues, such as infidelity, abuse, or sex addiction. This book explores the effects of those kinds of betrayal, as well as less-talked-about types, such as emotional manipulation, dishonesty, deceit, and financial cheating. In addition,…

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Número de páginas: 272

Autor: Steve Stosny

Tamaño: 1.74 - 2.14 MB

Descargas: 1829

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