Yo Soy El Oso Polar / I Am A Polar Bear

Sinopsis del libro

libro Yo Soy El Oso Polar / I Am A Polar Bear

Polar Bears are one of the biggest bears in the world. Polars bears ride on floating ice to find food. These astounding facts about this fascinating animal can be discovered in the I Am a Polar Bear book. Polar Bear is part of the Lets Read collection of media enhanced books designed for children ages 5 to 7. These books were created to inspire beginning readers to become independent readers. The AV2 Spanish language collection gives emerging bilingual readers access to both a printed Spanish book and an eBook that provides both Spanish and English translations of the text. Simply enter the book code found on page 2 of this book at www.av2books.com to unlock your eBook. With the click of a button, this eBook can switch between Spanish and English text. Readers can use the eBook to learn Spanish or English vocabulary and sentence structure.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas: 24

Autor: Steve Macleod

Tamaño: 1.56 - 2.26 MB

Descargas: 925

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